Monday, 30 March 2009

Spread the Growth


sonoio said...

que belleza natka!


costanza said...

ma questo libro è stato pubblicato?
me lo fai sapere, perfavore? mi piacerebbe comprarlo: è davvero molto poetico, complimenti!

matt dawson said...

These make a really beautiful set. Your work is so paired down to the very essentials, really gives the text room to breath while also having something to say too. Great work!

NATKA said...

thanks for comments.
Constanza, a friend of mine is translating your question, i am not italian speaker so need to wait for that.
Matt, thank you for the comment also, it was a really nice project to work on, and i am glad that you like it too!

NATKA said...

Ok so Costanza, the book hasn't been published yet, it is in a stage of fine tuning the copy and I am searching now for a good publisher, once I will get it published, I will let you know, Thanks for all the support during this project! All the best! Natalia

costanza said...

hei, what are you doing? I'm waiting your new post!

NATKA said...

Costanza! You are so lovely, New illustrations will be coming as soon as I will finish working on my animation project which is at the moment in the phase of stroyboarding, which will probably take up to next two weeks to finish. All the best for you!

Anonymous said...

muy bello lo que hay en este blog,,,